Listing My Daily Playlist

IMG_2567What do you guys really feel today? Having a good mood to kick off the day for the rest of this week? I hope you all have an awesome day. Talk about the music, music is a mood modifier or your mood booster to through the day. Who’s agree with me? I mean, when you have an important meeting today with your client and you must prepared any presentation, deliver your message point along with your best outfit, I think you need a rhythm of music to keep your mood up. As long as you enjoyed the day, I will guarantee that you can make everything up and done so well.

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Living in The Wildlife, Safari Park

CAMERAYuhuu… It’s good to be back and write again. Sabtu kemarin akhirnya YWP kembali berkumpul dan berlibur kembali. Walaupun gak bisa nginep karena kesibukan masing-masing jadi rencana kita cuma pulang pergi. Kali ini temanya merayakan ulang tahun Celvy yang udah late late late banget. HAHA! Maklum ultahnya September tapi dirayainnya baru sabtu kemarin. Dia mau ntraktir kita ke Taman Safari di Cisarua, Puncak dengan bayarin pintu masuknya. Paling penting sih dari liburan ini sebenernya kebersamaan dan jalan-jalannya aja. So, here we are!

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Luckily Me!

In order to welcome once accompanied the World Cup 2014, Domikado application developers as officially designated by the company’s broadcasting rights holder of the FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil to the mobile version and broadband Internet in Indonesia presents a Football Legends Tour event in 2014 which is dedicated to the hundreds of millions of football lovers in Indonesia.


Domikado Team

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The Moment to Support Garuda Muda in This Extraordinary Land, Myanmar


at Schwedagon Pagoda

Finally kembali menulis setelah kemarin-kemarin gak sempet melanjutkan cerita perjalanan gw dikarenakan sibuknya pekerjaan dikantor dan diluar kantor. Maklum gak boleh nolak rejeki katanya. :)) Selain itu penyakit-penyakit seperti iritasi mata dan kesemutan jempol ditangan kanan masih terus hinggap di gw tapi bukan berarti menghalangi gw untuk terus menulis. Mudah-mudahan cepet sembuh ya Allah. AMIN! Despite all of the distraction, I really thrilled to share my story for this trip. Perjalanan yang berlangsung di bulan October 2014. Seharusnya gw yang akan mendukung dengan teman-teman (MI) Milanisti Indonesia 6 hari dari 11 – 16 Oct 2014 tapi nyatanya gw harus dateng ke acara perkawinan saudara gw di tanggal 12 Oct dan baru nyusul join teman-teman yang udah di Myanmar untuk support Garuda Muda di AFC Championship U19 2014. So here’s my story begin.

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Explored The Place From The Bottom to The Top, Bromo


Padang Savana Bromo

Holaa… I’m back with the cool story. Di bulan September 2014, gw, Ebho dan Balon berencana akan ke Bromo menggunakan Blakraxtrip sebagai jasa perjalanan kita menuju ke Bromo. Selain harganya yang murah, mereka pun mempunyai tim yang asik-asik dan terorganizir. Ini benar-benar backpacker trip pertama gw. Dimana gw menggunakan tas gunung, pakaian seadanya dan sepatu yang pas untuk tipe traveling kali ini. It’s about heading to Mt. Bromo for my short trip. Mount Bromo is located in the north eastern part of Java in Indonesia. Bromo is an active volcano which last erupted in 2011. The name “Bromo” derives from the Hindu word “Brahma”, meaning God. Can’t wait to look some beautiful things in there. I seriously can’t wait as well to tell you more about.

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My Current Nightly Breathable Masque

Hello there my beautiful sweety sweet! Today I am happy to share with you my first beauty secret product  when I go to traveling around the world even up to the mountain. You know what a big fan I am of traveling. I love taking “ a risk” trips and making my hobbies is not an obstacle to keep maintaining my face skin by adding Skincerity in the night before go to bed.


me and my friend

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